OUR PRODUCTS All productsContainersInjectionMeter boxesThermoformingBox water meter Meter boxes 413PVC container Thermoforming 375G-4 Mechanical type box Meter boxes 372Meter box Meter boxes 366G-4 Smart type box Meter boxes 366Smart meter box Meter boxes 360Meter box Meter boxes 351Mechanical meter box Meter boxes 351Meter box Meter boxes 334Container for cheese Injection 325PVC container Thermoforming 323Box for fruit and vegetables Injection 322Broiler crates Injection 310Food bowl (for mixer) Injection 298PC 20 layer separator 75/213 Thermoforming 296PVC 6 layer cookie container Thermoforming 296PVC container lid Thermoforming 290PVC container lid Thermoforming 289Chairs for stadiums and sports complexes Injection 286PVC quadrilateral food container Thermoforming 284Not leaked PVC oval container Thermoforming 276PVC 6 layer cookie container Thermoforming 273PC 7 layer cookie container Thermoforming 272PVC round lids Thermoforming 271PVC container Thermoforming 270Food box with hermetic lid Injection 263Box for electrical socket Injection 262PVC round lids Thermoforming 259PC round cups Thermoforming 259PVC round container Thermoforming 258PC round cups Thermoforming 257PC round cups Thermoforming 254Cassette, collapsible and universal crates Injection 254PC round cups Thermoforming 253Wall plug Injection 253Bucket for paint Injection 252Clothes-basket Injection 252PC 1 layer parfume container Thermoforming 252PC round cups Thermoforming 249PC round cups Thermoforming 248PC round cups Thermoforming 248Sausage Crates Injection 247PC round cups Thermoforming 246PC round cups Thermoforming 246PC round cups Thermoforming 244Seedlings container Thermoforming 244Corrugated pipe couplings Injection 243PVC round lids Thermoforming 243PVC round lids Thermoforming 242PC round cups Thermoforming 241PC round cups Thermoforming 240PC round cups Thermoforming 238PC round cups Thermoforming 235PC round cups Thermoforming 233PC round cups Thermoforming 232PC round cups Thermoforming 232PC round cups Thermoforming 231PC round cups Thermoforming 230PC round cups Thermoforming 230PC round cups Thermoforming 230PC round cups Thermoforming 230PC 6 layer cookie container Thermoforming 226PC round cups Thermoforming 225PC round cups Thermoforming 225PC round cups Thermoforming 224PC round cups Thermoforming 222Not leaked PVC oval container Thermoforming 222PC round cups Thermoforming 222PC round cups Thermoforming 221PC round cups Thermoforming 219PC round cups Thermoforming 219PC round cups Thermoforming 219PC round cups Thermoforming 218Not leaked PVC oval container Thermoforming 217PC round cups Thermoforming 214PC round cups Thermoforming 211PC round cups Thermoforming 210PC round cups Thermoforming 209PC round cups Thermoforming 209PC round cups Thermoforming 208PC round cups Thermoforming 205Not leaked PVC oval container Thermoforming 202PC round cups Thermoforming 193